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About Puck Pitts Farm

Puck Pit means: ‘the hollow where goblins lurk’. We haven’t seen one yet but maybe if you are very quiet out on the deck on a summer evening you might just catch one go by…..

We moved to Puck Pitts Farm in August 2018 and have been making improvements ever since. Sara has become a bit obsessed with planting trees, hedgerows, creating flower beds and essentially bringing as much greenery and colour round the property as possible in order to attract the wildlife to their little patch of heaven. 

The smallholding comprises 15 acres of pasture. The larger 10 acre field produces a hay crop each year, whilst the rest is split into paddocks that home the resident animals. Sara breeds rare breed Golden Guernsey goats, and more recently rare breed English goats. First kids for the English will be spring 2024 all things being well. 

The next project is converting an old Shepherds hut into a more self-contained holiday let. Updates on that project will be put on the dedicated Puck's Hut page. We are hoping to launch it in 2024.....

NEW for September 2023 - Puck's Retreat now has Solar Energy!! So we have made a big step towards a sustainable future. 

Sara is also madly planting trees whereever she can squeeze them! This will not only benefit the local wildlife but will also help to offset our carbon footprint. Happy days. 


Sara was brought up on a dairy and arable farm in Lincolnshire so it was always her dream to one day have her own land. Having spent 10 years in the hospitality industry she decided to have a change in career and did a PA and Marketing diploma. After many years as a PA to a variety of Directors in the construction and automotive industries, lockdown hit and whilst furloughed she decided that she wanted to spend more time on the not long acquired smallholding rather than in an office all day. After much deliberation and nail biting at going self employed she decided to take the plunge and now does a mix of Virtual PA work, gardening jobs and the B&B. As well as running the smallholding. Happy days! 

David was brought up in rural Nottinghamshire and has been obsessed with Land Rovers since he was born (not quite but not far off!). He is a Chief Engineer at Jaguar Land Rover based at the engineering sites at Gaydon and Whitley. In his spare time, and when not doing jobs around the smallholding, David can be found travelling around the countryside trialling or racing his Land Rovers at off road 4x4 events. Or fixing them when he comes back!

The Residents of Puck Pitts Farm

20ish ex-battery hens who provide eggs for your breakfast, or to buy and take home with you (£1.50 for 6)

Rare breed Golden Guernsey goats and English goats. Kids will often be seen, or heard, in the spring. If you would like more information on these lovely breeds then have a look at the Rare Breeds tab on this website.

Heidi, the retired horse, who is nicknamed the ‘farm inspector’ as she needs to be into everything!

Brodie, the Labrador, who also needs to be into everything!

As Sara rescues & rehabs wild hedgehogs, there is often one or two in the ‘Hogspital’


Unfortunately, our insurance doesn’t allow us to share the animals with you up close and personal, but you might hear them at feed time, or see them in their paddocks enjoying life. If you do see any of them up close, we would appreciate you not feeding them anything as they are all on specific diets – thank you.